Shameless - Season 4 : Episode 2


  • Comedy
  • Drama

In the fourth series the residents of Manchester's most outrageous estate have two new cops to contend with. But the Gallaghers don't need to worry now they've teamed up with the Maguires. Especially when, after a stint in prison, prodigal son Jamie Maguire arrives to set sparks flying with Karen. Then there are his brothers, the not-so-bright Shane and Micky, a wannabe hard-man struggling with his own secrets. Frank and the kids are sent into a spin when mum Monica turns up, claiming to be back for good. Lip is taking his parental responsibilities seriously until thoughts of university offer him the escape he's always wanted. Carol is back but still having trouble keeping her legs and mouth shut, while Kash is happy screwing the council. And what is the connection between Kev, Veronica, Marty, Sue and a Romanian baby?

Season 4 Episodes


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