FlorDeLiza - Season 1 : Episode 1


  • Drama
  • Family
  • Crime

Crisanto is a soldier lovingly married to his wife, Beth, but is forced to be sent away to fight in a war someplace else, leaving his wife and daughter, Liza, behind. In the midst of the battle, Crisanto meets Florida, the two fall in love and have an affair, which produces a child, Flor. One day, the opposing side ambushed Crisanto, and he protected Flor and Florida by helping them hide inside the house, as a consequence, Crisanto becomes gravely injured when he is sent home, and unknowing of their secret affair, Beth hires Florida to be Crisanto's nurse. Eventually, Beth allows Florida's daughter, Flor, to stay over at her house and Flor eventually befriends Liza, however their friendship will be threatened by their parents' intertwining love stories.

Season 1 Episodes


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