Blood Flowers - Season 2 : Episode 79


  • Drama

Dilan and Baran's forced marriage due to blood feud turned into a true love over time. On that dark day, when they crowned their marriage on paper with a real wedding, the brutal attack on the mansion separates Baran and Dilan from each other again. Dilan has been missing for three months. Going crazy with anger, Baran rouses the entire tribe to find his wife. Baran Agha sends his men everywhere and vows to find whoever took the woman he loves and make them pay the price. But this time, he faces a very powerful and unexpected enemy. A greater test than they have ever experienced awaits Dilan and Baran in this great war they will fight to reunite. What secrets will Sabiha Emiroğlu, who kidnapped Dilan, enter into the couple's lives and how will these secrets affect Dilan and Baran? Will the bad guys or Dilan and Baran's love win?

Season 2 Episodes


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