Kin - Season 1 : Episode 102


  • Drama
  • Family

23 years ago, two baby girls, Ella (Jasmine Sim) and Yoke (Rachel Wan) were switched at birth. It was not an accident. Their mothers Loh May Wan (Margaret Lim) and Jessica Shelley (Sue Tan), rivals from primary school, attempt to unravel the truth behind the baby swap as they grapple with their birth-daughters who are their polar opposites in every way. Deanna (Gayathri Segaren) finds out that she is terminally ill. She decides to entrust her husband, Kenneth (Ebi Shankara), to her best friend Ananya (Carla Dunareanu). Now, Ananya has to choose between James (Jason Godfrey), a man whom she has always admired, and Kenneth. Meanwhile, as dutiful wife Rosnani (Ariati Tyeb Papar) is tending to her boss and mother-in-law Adina's (Mastura Ahmad) orders at their family restaurant, her husband Zaryn (Hatta Said) is rendezvousing with his boss Syirah (Adlina Adil). Rosnani's life revolves around her family and now, her world is about to shatter.

Season 1 Episodes


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