Dancing on Ice - Season 7 : Episode 1


  • Reality

Dancing on Ice returned for a seventh series on 8 January 2012 on ITV. Phillip Schofield returned as host, with new co-presenter Christine Bleakley. Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean returned to mentor the celebrities, with Karen Barber returning as Head Coach. This series also saw a new ice panel, made up of Head Judge Robin Cousins and two new judges Louie Spence and Olympic figure skating champion Katarina Witt. The show moved back to its original location of Elstree Studios, which was used during the show's first five series, but still used the same layout as introduced in last series. On 24 January 2012, it was revealed that the 12 remaining couples would be going head-to-head in individual skating battles, where each couple were paired up and take to the ice at the same time performing their own routine to the same song. The ice panel then decided out of the pairs which couple they thought skated best, automatically guaranteeing them a place in the following weeks show. At the end of the battles the six that were not chosen faced the public vote, where one left the competition. Matthew and Nina emerged victorious at the end of the series on 25 March 2012, with Jorgie and Matt finishing as runners up and Chico and Jodeyne coming in third place.

Season 7 Episodes


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