Clean Sweep - Season 1 : Episode 60


    Clean Sweep was an American television series that involved a team consisting of a host, an organizer, designer, and carpenter who help homeowners clear one or two rooms of clutter in a two-day process. Original episodes of Clean Sweep aired on TLC in 2003 through 2005. In each episode of Clean Sweep, the host meets with the homeowners in the rooms to be cleaned. The production crew then moves the entire contents of the room outdoors. The host then assists the homeowners with an initial half-hour sort of all the items into three areas: “keep”, “sell” and “toss”. The process is then repeated by the organizer, in a much more thorough manner. Meanwhile, the designer and carpenter renovate the rooms, usually painting the rooms and constructing storage units such as closets, entertainment units, or cabinets. On the second day, a yard sale is held to dispose of the items in the “sell” category. The homeowners compete to sell the most, with the loser having to give up a sentimental item from the “keep” category. Once the rooms are renovated and the remaining items from the “keep” category moved back into the house, the homeowners are brought in to be surprised by the final results.

    Season 1 Episodes


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