Kassandra - Season 4 : Episode 7

  • Drama

Kassandra is a Venezuelan telenovela, written by Delia Fiallo and directed by Grazio D'Angelo and Olegario Barrera, involving a gypsy maiden marrying into a rich family. She does not realize, however, that she is the granddaughter of the man in the house. Her husband is killed on her wedding night, and she is blamed for the murder. Kassandra lasted 150 episodes between October 1992 and May 1993, and it achieved a significant amount of success outside Venezuela; it was extremely successful in its later airings in Italy, Russia, former Eastern Bloc nations, the republics of the former Yugoslavia, as well as the Middle East, south and east Asia. The 2005-2006 Televisa telenovela Peregrina is a remake of this show. This was the only Hispanic telenovela dubbed in Cebuano and Hiligaynon languages in Visayas and Mindanao in the Philippines, aired by GMA Iloilo, Cebu and Davao.

Season 4 Episodes


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