A Million Little Things - Season 2 : Episode 13


  • Drama

Delilah must help her children move forward from their father’s death, while hiding a huge secret of her own. Although she and Eddie are no longer having an affair, she is about to give birth to his baby. Eddie, trying to save his marriage, decides to tell his wife, Katherine, the truth. As the friends prepare to welcome Delilah’s baby into the world, Rome and Regina find themselves at odds. While marriage is about compromise, Regina’s not sure having kids is one she can or should make. As for Maggie and Gary, after finding out that Maggie is in remission, she and Gary move in together, ready to finally explore what being together is like when neither of them is on chemo. But adjusting to life post-cancer is easier said than done. Meanwhile, having watched Jon’s last video and learned that Mitch might not be his real father, Barbara Morgan’s son, PJ, goes on a quest to find the truth. PJ is about to turn his life and our gang’s life upside down.

Season 2 Episodes


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