Our Century - Season 4 : Episode 2


  • Drama
  • War & Politics

1976-1989. The last years of communism. They are strikes in the country, in which the younger generation of the family participate. Ania and Mania need each other very much after their children started their own separate lifes. It is even more sad for Mania since her husband goes to prison and then leaves for Sweden to protect the family. Kasia struggles co-parenting her daughter with her ex, but soon there is a new man. The marriage of Basia and Tomek is also in crisis, and they are also raising stubborn twins: Ula and Jula. Michał Jr. and Agnieszka have been trying to have a baby for a long time. Karol Wojtyła is elected Pope as John Paul II, and his pilgrimage to Poland brings hope. Ewa returns to Poland with her son Staś, and Jasiek's son Antek also comes back. On the night of the announcement of martial law, the seniors of the Stanisław and Andzia family die.

Season 4 Episodes


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