Legendary Taste of Sichuan - Season 1 : Episode 15


  • Documentary

he general director, Bin Ge, only spent a year in research, and the culture and culture of the utensils and Mosuo people have been waiting for nearly three years from the search to the investigation. The whole filming production lasted for one and a half years, from the plateau gorge to the bamboo sea in the basin, from the mysterious Mosuo style to the beautiful girl of the Tibetans, from the changes of the four seasons to the prosperity of the city, the story was set after the reform and opening up, Sichuan cuisine flourished. Many people began to use culinary food as a means of earning a living. The fate of these people is closely related to the deliciousness of his hands. They inherit, explore, innovate, bring new taste experiences with food, and subvert the taste buds again and again.

Season 1 Episodes


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