Coffee Cat Mama - Season 1 : Episode 1


  • Drama
  • Comedy

To fulfill her late father's will, BIN KWAI WOR opened a special coffee shop and met BAO CHI TAI, nicknamed "Tai Chi Bao" (Raisin Bread). TAI is a single father with an 8 year old son who has an ambition to become the Hong Kong coffee king. When TAI began learning the techniques of latte art from WOR, they started having feelings for each other, but unfortunately too many troubles were in between them. The most difficult was getting through WOR's two mothers, her biological mother MA SZE NGA and her step-mother SO MEI. The mothers opposed to their relationship. Facing so many challenges in their relationship, how can TAI and WOR overcome the challenges and brew their love into an aromatic and strong cup of coffee?

Season 1 Episodes


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