Dancing on Ice - Season 6 : Episode 15


  • Reality

The sixth series of Dancing on Ice started on 9 January 2011 and ended on 27 March 2011 on ITV. Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby return as hosts whilst Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean return to mentor the celebrities. This series saw a huge revamp of the show which included the show moving from Elstree to Shepperton Studios, acquiring a new look set, and was broadcast in high definition for the first time on ITV1 HD, STV HD and UTV HD. Nicky Slater did not be return to the show, however, the other judges from previous years returned, though Karen Barber served as Head Coach instead of a judge. This series the judges' scores were out of 10.0 instead of 6.0 giving an overall total out of 30.0. The line-up was revealed on 18 December 2010 and consists of sixteen celebrities. In each of the first two shows, only eight couples skated, with two of them being eliminated. These first two shows were billed as a qualifying stage, with twelve of the couples going through to the main competition, which started on 23 January. In another twist to 30 January show the two celebrities with the lowest combined total of judges' scores and public votes competed in the skate-off as usual, but it was not the judges that decided who stayed but their fellow celebrities who had to decide and gave their reason live on air.

Season 6 Episodes


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